Must have wardrobe items for every Ugandan campus guy

Being a guy at University is relatively simple, especially regarding dressing. All the outfits you require to survive for an entire semester, including a blanket and bedsheets, can perfectly fit in just two bag packs.

As ladies stream into campus with suitcases containing every category of wearables, guys are comfortable coming with only as little as possible.

Must have wardrobe items for every Ugandan campus guy

Nevertheless, certain items are just necessary for every campus guy’s wardrobe to remain comfortable throughout the week. They include;

3 T-shirts (Simple designs).

Best tops you can put on when you are out to meet people. They should look inviting. Get T-shirts that perfectly fit your body. But be mindful of their colors and whatever is printed on them. Wearing pink shirts is a NO for a campus guy.

 3 Shirts (Most preferably white and at least one long-sleeved).

Shirts are the way to go when a campus guy wants to attend an official meeting or look presentable. White shirts can match well with various types of trousers and leather shoes. Ensure that you have at least 3 of these.

2 or 3 Pairs of jeans (Well-fitting).

You are not a complete campus guy if you don’t have at least a pair of jeans. Jeans define confidence, and when you match them with sharpshooters like the Texas Rangers, bro, you can own the place.

1 or 2 Belts (Neutral colored; brown or black).

Don’t be so obsessed with the buckle of a belt; get a neutral-type buckle with either a brown or black body. A belt is only meant to hold your pants; hence it should not be a defining feature of your dressing style. Note: Neutral buckles don’t scream for attention.

A pair of neutral-colored shoes (Most preferably brown/black).

Loafers are the best all-weather shoes you can buy. They are very comfortable, and you can match them with almost any pants.

A pair of leather shoes.

You will wear them for official purposes and for attending lectures. As I explained in my other article on why you should mind your clothes while at University, putting on official clothes when attending classes makes you feel confident and can help you think sharper and remain determined.

6 Underwears.

Sorry, but I had to mention this. We often focus on the ‘big’ things and forget the ‘little’ most important ones. It is crucial to have inner wears ready for any day you want to get out of your hostel room; for that matter, they should always be clean. So ensure that you have as many as you can.

4 pairs of Socks.

While in high school, we used to wear one pair of socks for weeks or even a month. As a campus guy, it is important to grow up and wear clean socks every day. Make sure you buy enough of them and have a specific timetable for washing them and your innerwear.

1 or 2 Sweaters.

When cold strikes, get ready to guard your health with a sweater. Flu is prevalent at University. A sweater or jumper comes in handy when it comes to keeping colds away. Also, studying at night would require you to be warm and comfortable, and a sweater would give you both.

2 Khaki trousers.

Nowadays, being casually dressed as a campuser is best described by khaki trousers. Khakis are also all-weather pants and can be matched with many other items.


As a campus guy, these are the significant items you’ll need to survive comfortably at campus while having the ultimate university experience. If you have any more suggestions, please share them in the comments section to keep the conversation going.


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